Tuesday, February 19, 2008


We're working with 5 churches in the area where the training and the special outreach game were held in January.
Saturday, Feb. 16, 24 people came to be trained for follow-up on those who indicated interest in Bible Studies or that they had trusted in Christ. The individuals were organized into groups with a coordinator for each church or smaller area. This week (Feb. 23), there will be a meeting of the coordinators to find out how it’s going with the follow up and to encourage them in the work.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Schools in Verrettes

Richard went out to Verrettes to visit the leaders who participated in the training at Christmas time. These are kids from one of the schools represented where they are starting a soccer team.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Adult ESL Class

Some of the parents of students at QCS have requested an English class and I was asked to teach them. This could be a great opportunity for interaction/relationship building with the families of QCS and integration of Biblical principles and concepts. Please pray that God brings the people He wants to the class and for me that I will be used by Him in this new venture. There will not be a set curriculum, I am designing the course. I have done this before, but I hope to improve on what I have done in the past.