Tuesday, August 12, 2014

John William's (1796-1839) message for today!

When you love soccer, you love to read about the lives of the stars of the game: Pele, Maradonna, Messi, Ronaldo, etc. Some led commendable lives after soccer, some did not.

Because I am a missionary, I love to read about former missionaries whom God has used to spread his love throughout the world.
One Biography I read this summer was the life of John Williams (1796-1839) sent out by the London Missionary Society. Through his vision and training of “faithful men who could teach others” he was able to spread the Gospel to many islands in Polonesia including many of the Cook, Somoa and Society islands.

After spending 18 years with his family in Polonesia, he returned to England in 1838 for 4 years to recruit new missionaries and raise funds for a ship to reach other islands.

Before he left to return to his beloved islands where he was martyred in 1839 he said this:
“I feel, still, that the work of Christian missions is the greatest, noblest, and sublimest to which the energies of the human mind can be devoted. I think, Christian friends, that no labor we can bestow no sacrifice that we can make, no journeys that we can undertake, are too great to be undertaken for the glorious purpose of illuminating the dark world with the light of the glorious gospel.”

(John Williams, Messenger of peace by Janet and Geoff Benge p. 181 (YWAM publishing)

And what better tool than the “beautiful game” to use to light the dark places with God’s love and light!

“God is not unjust; He will not forget your work and the love you have shown Him as you have helped His people and continue to help them!” (Hebrews 6:10)

Thank you for making our ministry to children in Haiti possible!

Praises and prayers from a busy summer!

Dear Praying friends,

Thanks once again for praying for Carol and I:


1) Carol's Mom moved into a lovely Christian care facility two days before Carol had to return to start school in Haiti! This was a huge answer to prayer as Carol searched and searched for a good place for her Mother.

2) Rich got to do soccer ministry at two summer camps: The Ambassadors Football camp at Church of the Savior and also a VBS camp at Davisville Church.

2 Photos of Ambassadors Football camp at Church of the Savior:

2 Photos of camp at Davisville:

3) Rich has visited a different church practically every Sunday, and traveled 680 miles alone to visit one near Boston.

The Fryes, my hosts at Heritage Bible Church in Princeton, MA

4) Got a shipment of 8 barrels of soccer equipment off to Haition August 11th.!

5) Rich got to preach to his family at the church his grandmother attended for almost 50 years. Please pray for God to touch hearts through His word!

6) Some large gifts for the goat program have come in!


1) Rich is still hurting from the effects of the Chikungunya Fever and is suffering from painful joints and arthritic-like pain, especially in the AM. Thankfully, Carol seems to be over it completely!

2) Rich is trying to work with his parents to help improve their living situation. His Mom show the early stages of dementia and has been getting worse over the summer. Pray especially on August 13, 14 and 15 as other family members will be there to help convince Rich’s parents of the need for a change.

3) Surveyor Needed! We are in need of a surveyor who can survey the property of Quisqueya Chapel at a reasonable price, or one from the US who would come down and donate their time in exchange for travel, room and board costs.

4) AFH is raising funds for the first ever U-15 National Futsal Tournament. We want to kick off the tournament with a leadership training camp in October. Please pray for God to supply!

5) Please pray for Chantalle as she administrates the goat program.

6) Pray for safe travel for Rich as he returns to Haiti on Sept. 2nd.

Thanks so much for praying!