Wednesday, February 28, 2007

A Few Important Prayer Requests

1. "Kay Cazeau" (possible ministry center)- Many of you have seen the pictures of Roger Cazeau's property in Croix-des-Bouquets (just outside of Port-au-Prince) and have prayed about the use of it for our ministry. And many of you know how amazing it seemed that Roger was praying for the property to be used for ministry, that he wants to help the children of Haiti, that he loves soccer and that he wanted us to have a ministry center there for AIS Haiti.
Well, we have 2 important prayer requests concerning this property.
Someone has started excavating to build on part of the property where we saw kids playing soccer last time we were there. Whoever is building does not have Roger's permission, but apparently they may feel that since Roger hasn't been to Haiti in so long, he forfeits his ownership. Roger has been managing the property through someone else, renting some of the space to a school. We want to help Roger find out what's going on and we need to know if God wants us to do something there.
Also, there have been some kidnappings out there not too long ago, so we're unsure about the security of the area...Is God keeping us away from danger? It seems he is at least for now, but that may not be the end of the story.

2. An office for AIS-Haiti - We've been praying about where and how to set up an office for AIS-Haiti, a place for Rich to at least begin... Now an opportunity has come up that might just be God's answer, but we're asking for you to join us in a concerted effort to ask God if this is His will for now, and if it is how we should approach the finances of it. There is an office that Rich could share with another ministry right across the street from QCS (where Carol works & the kids go everyday). It seems like a great opportunity because it is convenient for us and for people who will work with us (a lot easier for them to get to than our house on public transportation). Since we would share the office, we would only have to pay about $125US/month, however the owner may ask for more when the lease is up April 1st.

3. Sale of Box Truck - The International box truck has served it's purpose well. Now, we are attempting to sell it to put the money where we think it would better serve the ministry. Please pray for God's will and wisdom to know how much to accept for it.

We appreciate your prayers so much.

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