So much has happened today and I'm trying to hurry because I'm running the generator, using up diesel, when I just found out that the station that sold us gas the other day was threatened so they're not selling gas now. Some people think we'll be able to buy gas soon, but we don't know. So for now we're running the generator 1-2 hours a day, mainly to update this, facebook and our email.
God has been doing amazing things. This morning we were planning to go to Bolosse, where we used to live and where there are more than 2000 people living on the campus of the seminary. Many of them are injured and we wanted to help people like Elysee Vaillant who has been involved in our ministry and Margaret and Mme. Levy who work for us. We prayed about the safety risk and weren't sure if we should risk going there today with our truck. But first we needed to take Johnny to get another injection and a few things happened along the way. And we couldn't get anyone from over there on the phone. So we ended up deciding not to go.
Richard was out getting supplies and driving people in need places they needed to go. I spent most of the day cooking and cleaning up, feeding the neighbors and others who stopped in. With all that movement, I didn't notice the tremors we had today.
At about 3 pm Elysee showed up from Bolosse with 3 guys who were forming a team to help deal with the needs of the 2000+ people camping out at Bolosse. This was amazing because there's almost no public transportation. But after praying, a friend agreed to take them to our house to tell us there needs. They really wnated to talk to Richard, so at first I just gave them water, fed them spaghetti, made up a care package of large bandaids, antibiotic ointment, and gauze. Then I sat down with them and said they could explain it to me and I'd tell Richard because we couldn't reach him by phone and he was still out helping people.
Here's the amazing part...after listening to them a while, kind of as an afterthought, we decided that we should try going over to the school where I teach since 2 emergency aid organizations are setting up bases there. I really didn't expect anything great to happen, but I thought it was worth a try. As soon as I got out of the car I spotted Ted Steinhour, who was just the man I needed. Not only had he been gone all day, but as soon as I said the guys were from Bolosse, he said "I was trying to get to Bolosse today!" Come right over here and let's have a little meeting. He had heard of the problems at Bolosse and wanted to help. He is going to get a team and supplies over there as soon as it can be worked out. We were thrilled.
But please pray...More serious security measures are needed for sending the doctors and espeically supplies over there. Pray also for a team of doctors to be available for this particular need and for the supplies. If they are dominican doctors, pray for interpreters. Also pray about the people on the campus, the guys said the number keeps growing. They say they won't be surprised if it ends up being 5,000 people.
They don't have facilities, like toilets, etc. for anywhere near that many people. Another request: for the organization the guys want to work out, for example a place for people who are seriously injured, helping people who can go out to the country to get there.
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