Sunday, November 13, 2011

Discipleship Groups

Don't miss the pictures Richard uploaded a couple days ago---- see below....

Richard has his men's discipleship group every Sunday from 3pm - 5pm and he'd appreciate prayers for these young men--their growth in understanding, knowing, loving and serving God.

Today's topic was supposed to be Purity/Sexuality, etc. but so far it sounds like they are still following up on the last topic--resolving conflicts. (When I go from one room to the other I hear some of what's going on.) I think before 5pm they'll get to the new topic--so I'll have to make myself scarce!

The other thing they did today was set up prayer partners. The guys don't all live in the same area and transportation is always an issue, so Richard is encouraging them to share requests via text message or phone call. We thank God that in Haiti receiving phone calls and text messages is free. Sending messages is not very expensive either.

At school, we just started our discipleship groups this week. I have 5 girls, one that was in my group last year. I was so glad they were not shy at all to speak in the group when I asked them to. I was thrilled to hear from 3 of the girls the same type of reaction to attending our school (including Wed. morning chapel). They all said that they really liked how at Chapel and in Bible class the teachers and speakers actually try to help you understand HOW to forgive, HOW to follow God, etc. They said they never used to read the Bible but they are now. And this was shared with enthusiasm. Two of them came to our school last year and one is new. A fourth girl who just started at our school expressed a less enthusiastic but open view...."I'm checking this thing out...." The fifth girl is an MK who has lived in several different countries and is in the process of trying to adjust to Haiti and our school. Please pray for her because she's the only one in her situation in the group. And please pray for spiritual regeneration and growth in all of the girls....and for me to be used by God in spite of my weakness. Does that word "weakness" need explanation? If you've been in the situation, you probably know what I mean. The sense of responsibility, feelings of inadequacy, etc. But I know that even in my weakness, I can at least pray for and listen to these girls as the Holy Spirit works in their lives.

Thank you, faithful pray-ers, for considering these requests,
a willing "clay-pot,"
For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.
-Ephesians 2:10 (NLT)


  1. It's getting quite animated in there! I can't hear specifics...but I'm going to put music on!

  2. It appears 2 me ur work in Haiti is God's work. We see through ur blog so much success. On another note: we wish u & ur family a happy Thanksgiving! J Stevens
