Saturday, September 15, 2007

Potential Partnership with another Soccer Ministry in Haiti

We have just found out about another exciting soccer ministry in Haiti called "The Alliance of Christian Athletics of Haiti" They specialize in organizing evangelistic soccer tournaments in many areas of Haiti during the summer. This week, Rich met with Daniel Jean Louis, the organization's representative in Haiti to discuss how the two organizations can work together to reach Haitian youth with the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Our first joint project will probably be a training of coaches and administrators of our soccer programs to be held over Christmas vacation in Port-au-Prince.

Have you ever just "clicked" with someone because you have so many things in common? Well, that is the way I felt when I met Daniel. Not only does he love the Lord, Soccer and the youth of Haiti, he also has a degree in economics and wants to help develop small businesses in Haiti. We are looking forward to working together in the next few months to see how we can work together in the areas of soccer ministry and entrepreneurial training.

Computers for Christian Schools in Haiti

Thanks to the generous contribution of computers from Philadelphia Biblical University last year, 4 Christian schools in Haiti now have more powerful computers to use at their schools. All of these computers were shipped over on the truck, but some of them needed repair once they got here.

"Mèt Fedner", the administrator of the Oberlin School (one of the UEBH schools), helped to repair the computers and loaded software to put them in working order. His school received 5 computers for their elementary computer program. Maranatha Evangelical High School received 15 computers to replace their older generation machines and 2 other primary schools will also receive computers.

It was a thrill to deliver these machines before school started and know that they will be put to immediate use! Thank you to all who helped load them on the truck and to PBU who gave us computers, monitors, and even spare parts.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Visit to Verrettes

Yesterday, Richard went to visit one of the schools where the pilot project will take place if the Lord wills (Verrettes). This is one of the schools we’re inviting to the soccer ministry training program in December.
He went with two Haitian brothers who are on the UEBH School Committee to evaluate the status of the school. They met with the Director, the Assistant Director and the Accountant of the school. The school has about 300 students, about half of which are partially subsidized by Compassion International. Even with this help, the school is in financial difficulty because most parents cannot afford to send their children to school. The tuition is very low—the equivalent of about $20 US/ month or less, plus the cost of uniforms and supplies. We asked this school to communicate to the other four schools that they should begin the selection process to decide which four representatives they will send from their schools to the training in December.