Sunday, March 4, 2007

Prayer Request : church

Please pray with us about our church situation. We have not yet gotten settled in a church. While we were making the transition to living in Haiti again, we visited the Haitian church we used to attend (Bolosse), The Fellowship House (Sunday AM outreach ministry to upper class Haitian run by CrossWorld folks) and Quisqueya Chapel ("QC", an English Missionary church very close to our house). We kept thinking we'd visit the church out in Croix-des-Bouquets because it's close to the Cazeau house where we hope to establish a ministry house. (see blog entry of Feb. 28th.) We were delayed in visiting the Croix-des-Bouquets church for several reasons--we wanted to talk to the pastor first, and we heard there were security problems there. Then, Ricky was invited to play drums once a month at QC. Then, some weeks, (confession time...) we just didn't think ahead/plan ahead and by default went to the English church. The UEBH (the association of churches we work with) asks all the missionaries to attend a UEBH church, however, it is a challenge, especially for the kids who don't understand as much Creole and just because of cultural differences. We regret to admit that we haven't dealt with this sooner.
We have been taking steps to resolve this issue in the past few weeks and I thought it would be good to ask you to help us pray about it. We are looking into a church start-up being led by a UEBH pastor in our area. We are also considering making a plan to attend English church once a month. We are also thinking about listening to a podcast or audio cassette or watching a video of a sermon together as a family. (If you have any suggestions, please let us know--we already know about Davisville's podcasts, Calvary Philly & Calvary Central Bucks.)

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