Friday, December 28, 2007

Good start to Soccer Ministry Training

Thanks for your prayers. The soccer ministry training got off to a good start yesterday. Almost 50 participants arrived by Wednesday night and got settled at Ormiso, a conference center in Carrefour. Although we were disappointed that it didn't work out to have the training at Titayen, it's been good to have it closer to home. Richard has come back home yesterday and today to get more cleats, sneakers, socks, shorts and balls. The kids and I are at home, though so we don't have a lot of details, but here's a little about what's been happening.

For the first two days we were able to use the National Stadium from 8-10 am. (Originally we were to use the stadium everyday, but the Federation changed their plans and decided they needed to close the stadium for the rest of the holidays.) After that, they've had sessions on "Methods of Evangelism," "Role of the Coach."

Hopefully we'll have pictures up tomorrow night.

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