Saturday, October 29, 2011

Update on the trip up north

After some challenges getting packed and making photocopies, Richard and Ronald traveled less than an hour and had a flat tire. But not far away they were able to find a "Kaoutchouman" (tireman) to fix it. After that things went well. They drove to Gonaives, offloaded some of the boxes of literature (the boxes are being housed there because of the weight of the truck and the difficult roads beyond that point). They made it safely up to Terrier Rouge Friday by 4:30.

When they arrived, Richard was having fun with some kids who came around out of curiosity. He played with them for a while and then started talking to them and telling his story about being shot. He told them about his peace in knowing that if he died he would be with Jesus and talked to them about trusting in Christ. As a result to girls/young ladies said they were interested in knowing more. Jean-Paul talked to them and they prayed to receive Christ. Pray for them, please, one of them is pregnant and is only about 14 years old.

Tomorrow they have to do a lot more driving again, so pray for continued safety.


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