Monday, April 9, 2007

Happy Easter! Joyeux Paques!

Here is a picture of us at Quisqueya Chapel, the English church near us. We love what they do every

Easter. They put up a cross during lent and the people of the congregation write on a piece of paper something they are "sacrificing" or a sin they are asking God to remove. Then they put the paper on the cross (it has chicken wire all over it). The papers are burned on Good Friday. On Easter Sunday, as we walk into church, one of the kids hands us each a flower which we put on the cross to celebrate what Jesus has done.

After church we went to a friends' house for coffee and Easter treats and a nice visit.

We had David and Phyllis Schmid (of CrossWorld) over for a nice Easter dinner. It was great being with them--we really haven't had much of a chance to visit with them since Thanksgiving!.

Here are the beautiful Easter eggs we colored on Thursday. The sad story of these eggs is... I tried to do my usual 3 things at once, so the job dragged on for most of the day.

Then I got involved in the last minute preparations for Passover. AFter the Passover Seder, I collapsed on my bed and fell right to sleep. The next day I forgot to put the eggs in the fridge. So, we started smell something bad. Throughout the day I kept saying things like, "We have to take the trash out, it stinks." Finally at the end of the day, Joy realized it was the boiled eggs. Eeewww what a stink, by then! It's possible that one of them was a bad egg to begin with. We've been buying our eggs from a lady that we pass on the way home, like many other foreigners do, and we always break them into a bowl to check them before we use them and often we find a bad one. Well, I've learned my lessons--just pay the $4 to buy eggs in the supermarket for Easter and don't forget to put them in the fridge!

We had better "blessings" with the chocolate covered eggs --another of our family traditions.

1 comment:

  1. Happy easter to you also! We enjoy your blog and think about you often. You're in our prayers! -- Jack & Sheron
