Saturday, March 15, 2008

Everyday Opportunities

Several times, our Ambassdors’ cybercafé has provided an opportunity to talk with people about faith in Jesus (Well, OK it’s really the Holy Spirit, but the cybercafé is a vehicle). On Friday Rich had two of these opportunities.

The first happened because a lady’s cell phone kept ringing with a loud musical ringtone that was bothering others in this small room. Someone turned and asked her to shut it off or answer it. Richard could tell that the customer was a little upset by the way it was said. So when she was leaving, he grabbed a “15-minutes-free internet navigation” coupon and followed her outside to give it to her. He tried to smooth things over and she ended up asking him where he goes to church. To his surprise she spoke in English. She said she’s been feeling that she needs to go to church again. Rich told her about the English-speaking church we sometimes attend called Quisqueya Chapel. He gave her the Pastor’s phone number and encouraged her to make an appointment with the Pastor’s wife to talk about her desire to get closer to God.

The second time was when Richard and Dorothy were interviewing someone to do translation work (we share the space with Dorothy and her ministry includes translation work). Since it is a ministry, they asked him about his faith using the question: “If you were to die today, are you sure you would be going to heaven?” He said he was not sure but answered that he tries to live the way his mother taught him to live. This led to an interesting discussion and Rich got to share with him that the Bible makes it clear in 1 John chapter 5 in the thirteenth verse that those who trust in Jesus can know that they have eternal life. He said everything we talked about made sense and said he would think about our discussion and let us know if he makes a decision to trust in Christ!

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