Wednesday, July 18, 2012

First day in South Africa

July 19, 2012

On the plane from Frankfurt to Johannesburg, South Africa I watched a movie named “Cry Freedom”. It starred Denzel Washington as Steve Biko, an anti-apartheid activist in the 1970’s and the newspaper editor that befriended him: Donald Woods. I would highly recommend it. This movie gave me insight into the deep suffering the people of South Africa have experienced in their past, and the price brave people like Biko and Nelson Mandela have paid to bring positive change to South Africa.

Unfortunately the first article I read in a South African newspaper was about how prevalent rape is in SA society. SA has one of the highest incidents of rape in the world, with one happening every minute. The article told of how two men gave a false alarm for an ambulance. When the two women Paramedics arrived the men raped them. Now more and more paramedics are carrying weapons to protect themselves.

Then I went for a run outside of the hotel. The guard told me to avoid the dozen or so prostitutes that were hanging around the corner. Then as I ran I saw signs for the usual “sex enhancing” drugs that are prevalent now a days. It seems that North America is not the only society that has corrupted God’s beautiful gift of sex within marriage.

But that is one reason why I am here: to evaluate and encourage the Ambassadors in Sport staff who are working with disadvantaged youth and break the cycle of poverty and abuse these children have lived through. Only by obeying Jesus’ command to do to others what we would have them do to us can we truly love one another by the power of the Holy Spirit. That is why the world needs Jesus!

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